It’s still not my whole collection but a Roman orgy can’t be arranged in a day.
I’ve taken on a pile of jobs, a new list will go up soon. As always, assume 6-12 weeks turnaround. My new sad loser room is well under way!
The sad loser room is nearly complete! I will be doing a new video on my collection & of course I’ll now need to put a massive click bait title…
Yeah, thought you’d like that…
It’ll take a few days to get up to full speed again owing to collecting my animals, getting them sorted, checking in new deliveries, finishing up what was on my…
Pretty simply I would have thought but hey how, here we go. Question 1 “how much to upgrade my gun?” Answer: Yes. Question 2 “I want better accuracy, range, power,…
So these aren’t guns I worked on but it is good to know that other people end up unfucking the same ‘top tier’ bodge work. I’ve had countless borked aegs…