Yeah, thought you’d like that…
Today I took the day off. I did some more work in my sad loser room & I made a witness statement at the police station because a very drunk…
Same style, less orange & more brown. Like?
The orange piston has been modified by me from a 15 tooth to an 8 tooth to match a really badly built KRYTAC DSG. The blue piston is what was…
So I had a reaction to my covid booster jab, symptom: • uncontrollable shaking • fever dreams (I thought I was being tortured) • I lost all feeling in my…
My move is complete so I’ll get on the emails later, I answered about 40 yesterday & a new video will go up late tonight!
I’m having a day off, I normally work 7/7 but I’m fucking shattered. I’ll probably make a video… Post office needs to happen, but aside from that. And courier… But…