I did one.
These two I finished for a nice chap on Sunday, total internal overhaul & airbrushed by hand (no stencils). The G&G 308 MBR took forever – it seems that shop…
There are still two completed & unpaid jobs from September & October last year. Owners are giving me the silent treatment so in February I’ll be putting them up for…
Owing to negative airsoft becoming my only job, I’m now able to get through guns much quicker so I’m taking work on again! IMPORTANT SHIT! Stupid space twat gun –…
I’m now going on record as stating that BOLT can officially stuff their AEG’s up their chocolate slot. One after the other are coming to me shortly after being purchased…
Yeah, thought you’d like that…
I’m back from Portugal, we’ve arrived home to find our little Loki had passed away. You shouldn’t have a favourite pet but Loki was the friendliest little guy. He was…