But the sarcastic Google weather can fuck off.
If I can’t feel my hands, I can’t really tech….
TM base, built by somebody else but fired like shit. So I unfucked it.
These two I finished for a nice chap on Sunday, total internal overhaul & airbrushed by hand (no stencils). The G&G 308 MBR took forever – it seems that shop…
I’m stripping down an E&L AK PMC-C A110-C & selling the parts I don’t need. I have the stock, the grip & the rail system available – the rail system…
Since the birth of my PayPal address pistolfreak@hotmail.co.uk over 15 years ago I’ve had the odd occurrence where people have sent money to .com by mistake. Some kid in the…
Because nothing says ‘job well done’ better than a jammed inner barrel, rolled up duck tape holding in a knackered bolt cover & clip, bent springs, splayed lower receiver, broken…