Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean you’ll have an easy ride. This is a £450 Classic Army with completely ‘upgraded’ (cringe) internals & retro arms hop unit. Literally NOTHING inside…
Guesses on what is under this fucking paint?
This one wasn’t as badly built as any of the other PWR Krytacs I’ve had to do recently, but a common theme keeps popping up. Near non-existent customer service, massively…
Not many parts needed changing in this one, spring, motor & mosfet only actually. The original piston and gears were modified & shimmed, boom Airsoft Tech Shit.
I seem to have become the king of the M14 & I’m getting a lot sent to me that have been “tekked at da surplus shop by knukklefuk Callum” so…
Basically a ransomware attack has hit Royal Mail from the Russian criminal underworld which simply means that I can’t do any overseas sales yet. Once Royal Mail are back on…