Yes I’ll be there, yes I’ll sign your TM NGRS, no I won’t supply a pen.
Autographs 25p
Pictures 50p
Speaking to you £1
Looking at you £5
These are my new NEGATIVE AIRSOFT “X3T-E” pistons. I’ve taken: The best full steel racks Short stroked them to 12 teeth total Cerakoted for added internet value Matched to the…
Well done you. Have a biscuit. I know I say this a lot but DON’T BUY THE VFC MP7 – IT’S A TECHS WORST NIGHTMARE & MY GOD WILL IT…
But the sarcastic Google weather can fuck off. If I can’t feel my hands, I can’t really tech….
14 hours. A lot can be achieved in 14 hours. Think about how many times you can take a gearbox out of an M4 & strip it in a single…
(normal airsoft tech work will restart Saturday)