I’ve taken on a pile of jobs, a new list will go up soon.
As always, assume 6-12 weeks turnaround.
My new sad loser room is well under way!
You’ve very quickly put together a build that cycles so smoothly, so perfectly… …that something… somewhere… …is about to fuck up your day? Like this SR25 build that is very…
Some clever twat made this & farted it all around the internet. I’ll be honest, I did laugh when I saw it.
No, I’m not proud of myself. But the dude had already purchased all of the parts & when I accepted the job, I wasn’t paying attention. What’s a girl to…
SPECTRE M4 – Perun AB++, 13:1 gears, short stroked by two teeth on each side, M120 spring. I managed to modify a rotary hop unit to fit which was a…