Basically a ransomware attack has hit Royal Mail from the Russian criminal underworld which simply means that I can’t do any overseas sales yet.
Once Royal Mail are back on track, I’ll be able to no problem at all.
Basically a ransomware attack has hit Royal Mail from the Russian criminal underworld which simply means that I can’t do any overseas sales yet.
Once Royal Mail are back on track, I’ll be able to no problem at all.
Because you’ll be the first person to request a Diemaco C8, just like the only person to want a Gary Gordon M733, John Wank HiCappa or MK18 build… And yes,…
People will spout any old bollocks thinking it will get them out of the shit, you noticed that? Typical lines that people come out with when they know they’re talking…
This means the roads must be open again!
Took a little while to figure it, but I’ve a warhead 35k brushless motor, 13:1 gears & an 11.1v battery tucked neatly into an Echo-1 Tec-9. 1j on .25g flying…
Thank you!