Because you’ll be the first person to request a Diemaco C8, just like the only person to want a Gary Gordon M733, John Wank HiCappa or MK18 build…
And yes, I went against the grain with this build.
I’m not a fan of SAI stuff but I’m not a fan of paint jobs yet here we are!
Pretty simply I would have thought but hey how, here we go. Question 1 “how much to upgrade my gun?” Answer: Yes. Question 2 “I want better accuracy, range, power,…
Let’s be clear. If I have a chance I will respond to emails that are questions regarding what to ‘go for’. If you think I’ll list every part you may…
I’m very busy as normal, this is my current waiting list in order – some people request to not be on it so assume a 6 – 12 week wait…
So, what would you like to see on my channel? I tried to find something I’ve never seen before & using your patreon munnie (well, some of it) I’ve elected…
These two I finished for a nice chap on Sunday, total internal overhaul & airbrushed by hand (no stencils). The G&G 308 MBR took forever – it seems that shop…