I like it when a new person wanders in thinking it’s all going to be fluffy clouds & marshmallows & then the reality of entering the airsoft equivalent of Silent Hill hits hard.
If you don’t know what that is, it’s the little green dinosaur from Jurrasic Park 2. Been a little slow in my work for the past 8 days because I…
Somebody is on it, for the time being don’t click the contact link on the website, email me using
Beautiful & accurate.
You’ve very quickly put together a build that cycles so smoothly, so perfectly… …that something… somewhere… …is about to fuck up your day? Like this SR25 build that is very…
Fuckers need to go & get a job… Tapping away making their shitty YouTube clips, ridiculous.
The orange piston has been modified by me from a 15 tooth to an 8 tooth to match a really badly built KRYTAC DSG. The blue piston is what was…