It’s the G&G ETU type, she performed terribly so a few internal mods, a PERUN ETU++ mosfet & an airbrush later she’s a lot happier. I’ve been having a few issues recently, people have been claiming my videos as their own copyright… It’s been going on for a while so I’ve been making the…
People will spout any old bollocks thinking it will get them out of the shit, you noticed that? Typical lines that people come out with when they know they’re talking…
Stupid space twat gun – on hold TM MP7 – on hold g&g m14 Krytac bastard Alex Cyma same Alex Ares bastard marcus g&p Nov caversham Simon Cyma in l85…
Covid booster sorted, I’m going to rest for a few days because the last two jabs put me on my arse. I’ve three unfinished jobs that all need parts I…
As of this morning I’m taking a few days to convert my loft space into a nice, gucci, weapons room. I’m excited as my collection is covered in dust &…
I’ve had many SPAS 12’s in the past but nothing really worth keeping. Then this happened for £65 and I wasn’t going to pass it up. I’ve been having a few issues recently, people have been claiming my videos as their own copyright… It’s been going on for a while so I’ve been making the…
People will spout any old bollocks thinking it will get them out of the shit, you noticed that? Typical lines that people come out with when they know they’re talking…
Stupid space twat gun – on hold TM MP7 – on hold g&g m14 Krytac bastard Alex Cyma same Alex Ares bastard marcus g&p Nov caversham Simon Cyma in l85…
Covid booster sorted, I’m going to rest for a few days because the last two jabs put me on my arse. I’ve three unfinished jobs that all need parts I…
As of this morning I’m taking a few days to convert my loft space into a nice, gucci, weapons room. I’m excited as my collection is covered in dust &…
I’ve had many SPAS 12’s in the past but nothing really worth keeping. Then this happened for £65 and I wasn’t going to pass it up. I’ve been having a few issues recently, people have been claiming my videos as their own copyright… It’s been going on for a while so I’ve been making the…
People will spout any old bollocks thinking it will get them out of the shit, you noticed that? Typical lines that people come out with when they know they’re talking…
Stupid space twat gun – on hold TM MP7 – on hold g&g m14 Krytac bastard Alex Cyma same Alex Ares bastard marcus g&p Nov caversham Simon Cyma in l85…
Covid booster sorted, I’m going to rest for a few days because the last two jabs put me on my arse. I’ve three unfinished jobs that all need parts I…
As of this morning I’m taking a few days to convert my loft space into a nice, gucci, weapons room. I’m excited as my collection is covered in dust &…
I’ve had many SPAS 12’s in the past but nothing really worth keeping. Then this happened for £65 and I wasn’t going to pass it up.