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So long story short, most sites are chronoing in joules now & that poses a problem .

No sites chronographs agree with other sites chronographs in FPS at the best of times.

So now with so many people running in joules the variances across the board are fucking mind boggling.

I’ve seen some sites saying a gun firing at 330fps on a .2g bb is firing at 1.6j on a .25.

Likewise, and this is no new revelation, the people who want their power so close to the 350fps on a. 2g limit & then want to use .3g & then boom… joule limit busted.

It’s for this reason that I’m not going to listen to customers when they beg for “as close to the limit as possible” – I’ll be aiming for 1 joule max on a .28g on all builds with select fire capabilities.

No like, no buy.

It’s no revelation to discover I don’t agree with power being tested in joules but we’re stuck with it.

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