Week Off!
I’m not working this week, I’ll see your messages & emails but it’s fair to assume that I’ll ignore you.
If you buy stuff from the website you’ll need to wait until Fiday for me to post.

It’s hard being an airsofter. You’re awkward, you look & sound odd & women just aren’t into you. Imagine then if you will, paying somebody to overhaul your airsoft guns…
Stroke of comic genius!
Because nothing says ‘job well done’ better than a jammed inner barrel, rolled up duck tape holding in a knackered bolt cover & clip, bent springs, splayed lower receiver, broken…
Airsoft Fonzy & I wish you a merry New year.
I have nothing else to say….
Not all of these will amount to paid jobs but I think you can see where this is going… There are still a few I’ve not answered but that can…