You can order stuff from the shop by emailing me
But yeah, fucked.
Nerds are fixing it though.
It’s an endless task & I’ve still to transport 50+ pistols from my old place… But I did manage to build a blinder of an M14 for somebody today so…
My move is complete so I’ll get on the emails later, I answered about 40 yesterday & a new video will go up late tonight!
Deal with it
Because you’ll be the first person to request a Diemaco C8, just like the only person to want a Gary Gordon M733, John Wank HiCappa or MK18 build… And yes,…
I’m not a fan of SAI stuff but I’m not a fan of paint jobs yet here we are!
Why do people on the Internet think that I not only wants to hear their ‘constructive feedback’ but that I should also thank them for their comment & do as…