My move is complete so I’ll get on the emails later, I answered about 40 yesterday & a new video will go up late tonight!
Because you’ll be the first person to request a Diemaco C8, just like the only person to want a Gary Gordon M733, John Wank HiCappa or MK18 build… And yes,…
Airsoft Fonzy & I wish you a merry New year.
I started the wrong gun. I’ve done two Specna 416’s so I’m not surprised I picked up another by mistake. More coffee me thinks. (shit airsoft tech)
Let’s be clear. If I have a chance I will respond to emails that are questions regarding what to ‘go for’. If you think I’ll list every part you may…
Basically a ransomware attack has hit Royal Mail from the Russian criminal underworld which simply means that I can’t do any overseas sales yet. Once Royal Mail are back on…
It’s the G&G ETU type, she performed terribly so a few internal mods, a PERUN ETU++ mosfet & an airbrush later she’s a lot happier.