Nice right?
Not going to lie, having these rear wired makes disassembly a doddle but if you don’t have an L1A1 stock, you’re bollocksed. Unless you have no taste of course in…
The Cyma platinum has a micro processor mosfet thing. I’m still to see one burn out as per the majority of reports however I do see the miniature microswitch break…
Due to be available shortly, the Warhead ammo will be available in .25g, .28g & .32g and in both regular & bio flavour. I’ll be testing these .25g bags over…
Still a few left if you want a reminder of what I think of you guys even in the dark…
You’ve very quickly put together a build that cycles so smoothly, so perfectly… …that something… somewhere… …is about to fuck up your day? Like this SR25 build that is very…
Right guys, reports on the Internet started this but after another person has had issues I’m going to need to call it. I won’t hold any warranty on anything I…