I’ve been watching ‘The Shining’.
I’m doing my best, hopefully I can have my new workshop ready by tomorrow evening so I can start transitioning over Friday with the aim to re-start work Saturday. I’ll…
Starting today & whilst stocks last, all customers who have guns worked on by me get a free bag of .25g ammo. Not my choice, Warhead gave them to me…
The Cyma platinum has a micro processor mosfet thing. I’m still to see one burn out as per the majority of reports however I do see the miniature microswitch break…
The new Warhead “BASE” motor..
Because nothing says ‘job well done’ better than a jammed inner barrel, rolled up duck tape holding in a knackered bolt cover & clip, bent springs, splayed lower receiver, broken…
14 hours. A lot can be achieved in 14 hours. Think about how many times you can take a gearbox out of an M4 & strip it in a single…