You can order stuff from the shop by emailing me
But yeah, fucked.
Nerds are fixing it though.
SPECTRE M4 – Perun AB++, 13:1 gears, short stroked by two teeth on each side, M120 spring. I managed to modify a rotary hop unit to fit which was a…
Because you’ll be the first person to request a Diemaco C8, just like the only person to want a Gary Gordon M733, John Wank HiCappa or MK18 build… And yes,…
Has anybody else wondered how long it will be before a chav tries to rock up to a civil war reenactment with a G&G SSG cuntgun, a can of monster…
It’s stupid isn’t it? I don’t like them, I don’t own any fancy painted guns… I just happen to do it. Random shit bruh.
Available in 27k or 35k, motor tabs replaced with silicone coated wires with standard male spade connectors attached & lasered with NEGATIVE AIRSOFT, these ‘BASE’ motors are only available in…